
No. 457, May 13, 2002]

A tip to train and inform

Maslow in the classroom I

The fact that education is about people and human needs is so self evident that it is often forgotten in real life.

Already in the planning stage of a course or workshop there is a lot that can be done to adapt the training to human needs. Here we will use Maslow’s well known hierarchy of needs as a model.

Maslow was a psychologist who focused on studying psychologically healthy people. His research led him to the five basic human needs: physiological, safety, emotional, self-esteem and self-actualization needs. Maslow discovered that satisfying all these needs is what makes a person happy.

By designing a training to satisfy these needs for participants as well as teachers, we can create more effective courses and trainings.

This is the first in a series of articles about caring for the five Maslow needs in an educational setting. In this issue we will start at the bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy with physiological needs which basically are: water, food and sleep.

Best of luck! Jonas Himmelstrand

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