
No. 602, January 12, 2009

Getting to the core issue – offers growth to all

Personal growth is about being able to handle yourself in the outskirts of your comfort zone. We have often written about this in Strategies. Still we often avoid a challenge to stay comfortable. Here is yet another strategy – offering growth to all.

In working with my book on Swedish social development I have found much new knowledge questioning current ideas on health, learning, pedagogy and emotional attachment. Good close relationships seem to be a much more important factor than we currently understand. This new knowledge has powerful consequences on health and learning in families, pre-schools, schools and adult life.

Last summer I spoke at the major yearly Swedish political event in Almedalen on this subject. Then I was invited to speak in December at a seminar in the Swedish Parliament on the subject: Secure children – Secure adults – The role of family in the 21st century. I was given 15 minutes as one of three speakers after which a discussion would follow. How would I tackle this sensitive subject in this political environment? My first thought was to cover it up to make it less provocative. But a mere 15 minutes did not really allow this.

Instead I chose the opposite route. I was going to go directly to the core issue of the matter with facts and conclusions. To be sure not to miss out on anything, I spoke from a manuscript rather than speaking freely as I am accustomed to.

It feels highly liberating to simply state the truth from available facts. Discussing the matter gets easier. Questionable facts can be confronted. But most of all it seems to be liberating for everyone to hear an idea expressed openly and clearly.

The same morning as I write this I read two articles in the morning paper speaking clearly on controversial subjects.

My insight gained from this seminar is that growth is perhaps best facilitated, for everyone, when going directly at the sensitive core issue – the most infected issue within the subject, and then taking a sober look at it all. This creates an environment to talk about what people don’t want to, or dare to talk about. Obviously there are some rules for this to work:

My clear message was received unexpectedly well. What I said was clearly controversial in Sweden, but basically derived from Strategies-knowledge.

Creative regards! Jonas Himmelstrand

Read the speech at www.stratletter.com/602.html

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