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picture of book coverNo. 533, November 21, 2005

The review

A Great Book

read by Jonas Himmelstrand

Love and Survival

Love and Survival – How good relationships can bring you health and well-being is a truly great book about the connection between good health and good relationships. The book is written by Dr. Dean Ornish, a cardiac specialist.

Dr. Ornish has previously done research on food and heart disease. Now he has also studied research on human relationships and health in general and heart disease in particular.

There is a vast amount of research covered by Dr. Ornish. The conclusion is equally clear and surprising. Love and closeness does more good to our physical, emotional and spiritual health than all other health factors combined. Food, exercise, smoking, stress, genes, medication and surgery have all together less impact on our health than good relationships. If we want to keep healthy, we should therefore pay attention particularly to our close relationships.

The healing power of relationships is so strong that if it was a medication it would be unethical not to prescribe it, according to Dr. Ornish.

In the second part of the book Dr. Ornish refers to discussions with other professionals; a highly fascinating discussion, definitely on the leading edge, which tries to explain the healing power of love.

In Sweden there is a heated debate about the high number of people on sick leave. Love and Survival poses interesting questions about the western life style. Do we have built in systems to make good close relationships difficult?

Love and Survival is easy to read, highly inspiring and with the power to change the way we see our life of the future. Highly recommended to everyone!

Love and Survival, by Dr Dean Ornish.
Vermilion 2001. ISBN 0-09-185704-X. 284 pages.

© 2005 Strategies to Learn & Grow Newsletter • Printable version

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