
Here is extra information referred to in the main article in Strategies no. 541.

Radical Unschooling

The studies that the article is based on can be found in the book Worldwide Guide to Homeschooling by Brian D. Ray. ISBN 080542606-X and in well-written article in Mothering Magazine nr 131-2005.

Here are a few interesting links with more information concerning homeschooling and unschooling based on the information in the main article:

Home Education Magazine has a rich homepage with lots of information and ideas about homeschooling in general. has specific information about homeschooling with many stories written by unschooling parents. There is also a description of the philosophy behind homeschooling based on Humanistic Psychology.

Rethinking Education Conference is a yearly national conference in the USA with emphasis on unschooling. Their homepage makes a fascinating reading.

Picture of book cover

Product details about the book referred to in the main article:

The Unschooling Handbook,
by Mary Griffith.

Prima Publishing, USA 1998.
ISBN 0761512764.
208 pages.

The book can be ordered from your local friendly bookshop or from an Internet bookstore.

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